m tired but happy.. mayb not happy but glad? relieved? satisfied? in my previous post i mentioned tat sq 217 Melbourne is my 1st flight without probation and guess wat? i received my 1st compliment letter addressed to me on the return sector. it was from my complex leader. a fun n nice malay leading steward. 2wards the end of the flight, he asked me: "gabriel, a lot of crew like to say thank you right?" i was like... "ya. all the time". then he continued: " wats the pt of saying just for the sake of saying?" & promptly proceed to pass me a piece of paper. i was caught off handed & then almost speechless. its a crew feedback form. inside he wrote, " even though gabriel has just passed probation not long ago, his work could pass off as some1 tat have work for more than 3years...." he said, why not give me something that will go into my record rather then just saying thank you n hoped tat i will continue to be humble n hardworking n not bcome a 'zappy' crew like most of 'them'. to add on to my sense of achievement, the other LSS tat i worked with on the way up asked if she could add in her name. haha.. i must say i was in cloud's nine. (p.s. since i m boosting here might as well go all the way. duringmy 4th month flying, 1 LSS actually asked if i was a returning crew! =P)
ok.. enough of haolianess. i was telling timothy that this melbourne trip was 1 of the more fulfilling 1. i went out for lunch, did some shopping n had coffee. met tim's fwen, gabin. its nice to have fwens to hang out with when ya out stations. it makes u feel less lonely... =) thanks tim!
here are some pics by my personal photographer, tim.

Nice pictures! Seems like u are enjoying yr job pretty well :P
thanks! ya.. its nice to visit all those places. =)
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