Saturday, December 09, 2006


i tell you... wat i m about to write in this post could be the biggest joke of my life! so this is wat happened...

while playing mahjong, we (chris aka my god didi, qianlin aka apee, sandra aka apoo & me aka achee) became hungry & decided to order macdonalds delivery, our usual practise. so i called 67773777... ring ring ring...

GIRL: "Thank you for calling Mac delivery. Can i have your contact number please?"
ME (in a manly voice): "97673212."
GIRL: "Ok..." (typing away)
so while waiting i showed sandra how to tell what tile is it by juz feeling it.
ME: "Yi wan... (proceed to 'feel' another tile) Er tong... Ba tong... Animal...
as i was reading out the next tile...
GIRL: "And your name? pls hold on... (typing sound)
before i can react...
GIRL (matter of factly): " So Mr Si Hua can i have your orders pls?"
Me (in a high pitch voice): "Hahaha... Could you... *grasps for breath* haha.. pls.. hahahaha.. give me a.. haha.. *deep breath* min!"
i was laughing so hard... my tummy nearly went into spasm... n there goes my image...

so.. there goes the story of how mr gabriel wong became mr si hua!


Who? said...

Damn! This is really funny! Also, now the whole world know your hp number!

Anonymous said...


i can imagine you laughing your backside off!

gabby said...

opps! ya hor... nevermind la.. i do not answer unfamiliar numbers anyway! i will pass to some1 else to answer for me! haha...

gabby said...

yes princess, i almost ran out of breath. i took a full 1min to recover b4 i can speak to her again...

Who? said...

Yes, I know the way you force people to answer unfamiliar calls for you! Hahahah

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.....You used to make me answer unfamiliar calls way back in the days of Coffee Club Xpress too....I see thats one habit you haven't gotten rid of =p


gabby said...

hahaha... ya guys din know tat i got loansharks chasing after me meh?

jv: last time younger still got market value so can avoid calls from ppl tat i dun like! now any1 also can liao la.. haha..